quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2013

Trabalhos de PP 4º Bimestre 2ª série do Ensino Médio

Todos os trabalhos de PP devem ser entregues até o dia 31/10/2013

Pós Modernismo.
Ferreira Gullar
Estrutura do texto dissertativo.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
O que é violência
Violências simbólicas, físicas e psicológicas
Diferentes formas de violência: Doméstica, sexual e na escola.
Razões para a violência.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Desafios éticos contemporâneos – A ciência e a condição humana.
Introdução à bioética.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
A placa tectônica sul-americana e o modelo de relevo brasileiro.
Os domínios morfoclimáticos e as bacias hidrográficas.
Gestão pública dos recursos naturais.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Estados Unidos da América  _ A expansão para o oeste e a guerra civil.
Segundo Reinado no Brasil    _ A abolição da escravatura e a imigração europeia para o Brasil.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Geometria métrica espacial:
- Elementos de geometria de posição
- Poliedros, prismas e pirâmides
- Cilindros, cones e esferas.
obs: O trabalho deverá conter dez exercícios de cada item pesquisado e ser: manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia.
Metais e suas utilizações em pilhas e galvanização.
Pilhas e baterias.
Impactos ambientais devido ao descarte  inadequado de pilhas e baterias.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Luz e cor.
Ondas eletromagnéticas.
Transmissões eletromagnéticas.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Tecnologia de manipulação do DNA – Biotecnologia.
Engenharia genética e produtos geneticamente modificados _ alimentos, produtos médicos-farmacêuticos, hormônios.
Riscos e benefícios de produtos geneticamente modificados - a legislação brasileira.
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Educação Física
Ginástica ( ginastica alternativa: alongamento, relaxamento ou outra)
Corpo, saúde e beleza ( atividade física/exercício físico e prática esportiva em níveis e condições adequados).
Contemporaneidade ( corpo, cultura de movimento, diferença e preconceito)
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
Pesquisar sobre Ivaldo Bertazzo
obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia
- Copie a biografia de um ator americano famoso  em inglês e depois faça a tradução.
- Pesquise sobre   discurso direto e indireto (Direct and indirect speech) e copie 10 frases em inglês de cada, com sua tradução.
- COPIE E TRADUZA O TEXTO ABAIXO, LINHA A LINHA, e responda as perguntas abaixo:
There was once a very rich merchant, who had six children, three sons, and three daughters;
being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education, but gave them all kinds of masters.His daughters were extremely handsome, especially the youngest; when she was little, everybodyadmired her, and called her “The little Beauty”; as she grew up, she still went by the nameof “Beauty”, which made her sisters very jealous. The youngest, as she was handsome, was
also better than her sisters. The two eldest had a great deal of pride, because they were rich.They gave themselves ridiculous airs, and would not visit other merchants’ daughters, nor keep company with anyone but persons of quality. They went out every day upon parties of pleasure,  balls, plays, concerts, etc. and laughed at their youngest sister, because she spent the greatest
part of her time reading good books. As it was known that they were to have great fortunes, several eminent merchants made their advances to them; but the two eldest said they would never marry, unless they could meet with a Duke, or an Earl at least. Beauty very civilly thanked them that courted her, and told them she was too young yet to marry, but chose to stay with her
father a few years longer. All at once the merchant lost his whole fortune, excepting a small country-house at a great
distance from town, and told his children, with tears in his eyes, they must go there and work fortheir living. The two eldest answered that they would not leave the town, for they had several lovers who they were sure would be glad to have them, though they had no fortune; but in this they were mistaken, for their lovers slighted and forsook them in their poverty. As they were not beloved on account of their pride, everybody said, “they do not deserve to be pitied, we are glad to see their pride
humbled, let them go and give themselves quality airs in milking the cows and minding their dairy. But (added they) we are extremely concerned for Beauty, she was such a charming, sweet-tempered creature, spoke so kindly to poor people, and was of such an affable, obliging disposition.” Nay, several gentlemen would have married her, though they knew she had not a penny; but she told them she could not think of leaving her poor father in his misfortunes, but was determined to go along
with him into the country to comfort and attend him. Poor Beauty at first was sadly grieved at theloss of her fortune; “but (she said to herself) were I to cry ever so much, that would not make things better, I must try to make myself happy without a fortune.”

Disponível em: <http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br/pesquisa/DetalheObraForm.do?select_
1.What happened to Beauty’s father?
2. Read the text again and write T for (True) and F for (False). Then, underline sentences from the text to support your answer.
a) ( ) Beauty’s sisters agreed to leave the town.
c) ( ) Everybody was worried about Beauty.
b) ( ) Everybody pitied Beauty’s sisters.
d) ( ) Beauty left her father.

3. Have a look at these two sentences and match them to the appropriate explanation.
a) “My children, we must now go and live in the cottage, and try to get a living by labour, for
we have no other means of support.”
b) The two eldest daughters said to their father that they did not know how to work, and would
not leave town.
( ) It shows the narrator’s voice and no character’s direct voice.
( ) It shows the character’s direct voice.
( ) It uses the first person singular or plural.
( ) It uses the third person singular or plural.
( ) It uses inverted commas to show the character’s voice.
4. Coloque  as frases abaixo na ordem dos acontecimentos do texto acima.
(a) Beauty’s family was rich: father, two sisters and three brothers.
( ) During the trip the father got lost in the forest.
( ) He ate and slept in the palace.
( ) Beauty was kind, and her older sisters were jealous of her.
( ) The Beast got furious because Beauty’s father had got a rose from the garden.
( ) Suddenly the family got poor.
( ) The father promised to bring presents, the sisters asked for jewels and Beauty asked for a rose.

obs: O trabalho deverá ser: Manuscrito, com capa, índice, introdução, conclusão e bibliografia